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The Pipits: Algonquin Park, Feb. 28 & 29 2024

Updated: Mar 12

Otter! Seen along Opeongo Rd, Mar 1 2024

Evening Grosbeak

Canada Jays at Spruce Bog

Note this Jay is unbanded. The researchers in Dr. Ryan Norris' UofG team know about her. Ryan says she has a nest in Spruce Bog and they haven't banded her because they don't want to interrupt nesting.

Red Crossbill, male (above)

and female (below)

White-winged Crossbill

Turtle Rock, Costello Creek, Opeongo Road

Pipits at the Logging Trail (above), and Spruce Bog trail (below)

Costello Creek, seen from Opeongo Road (below)

The night after. I forgot to take a photo on our first evening! (above)

The group on Spruce Bog trail. (left)

We had another wonderful trip to Algonquin this year. More people should come out for this outing, it's so much fun! And so beautiful, and peaceful. The forest in winter is crisp, quiet (except for birds this year lol), you can see far through the trees as the leaves are off, and so rejuvenating.

We had 3 of the eco-cabins booked at Wolfden Nature Retreat and Hostel in Dwight, so were just outside the west gate of the Park. The group of us spent the afternoon of Feb. 28, and all day Feb. 29 in the Park. And had a lovely visit complete with birthday cake on both evenings at the cabin Geordie and I rented. On Mar. 1, 3 of us went for another visit to Opeongo Road before wrapping up and heading back to our respective destinations.

Algonquin did not disappoint. This was a great year for finches. We saw many Evening Grosbeaks, Pine Siskins, and both Red and White-winged Crossbills, as well as Canada Jays, at many different locations. The forest was quite musical with birdsong this trip. And on the last day Geordie and I were in the Park, we also found a beautiful lone otter along Opeongo Road. Perfect!

Missing in action this year were the Black-backed Woodpecker, Spruce Grouse, Redpolls, and Pine Grosbeaks. It's always a surprise and I know we all were thrilled with what our trip into nature brought us this trip! Thanks everyone for the wonderful trip, and the birthday surprises!!

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